South Park Digital Studios, das Studio, das sich für South Park: Der Stab der Wahrheit, South Park: Die rektakuläre Zerreißprobe und South Park: Phone Destroyer verantwortlich zeichnet, präsentiert nun das neueste Kapitel auf der Reise des Neulings.Begleite Cartman, Stan, Kyle und Kenny in dreidimensionaler Pracht, um den magischsten Tag im Leben eines jeden Kindes zu erleben: einen Schneetag! Ein heftiger Schneesturm hat die Stadt ins Chaos gestürzt, aber vor allem hat er dafür gesorgt, dass die Schule geschlossen bleibt.Schnapp dir bis zu drei Freunde, nutze die Spielersuche oder zieh allein mit KI-Verbündeten im Spiel los und kämpfe dich durch die verschneiten Straßen von South Park. Erlebe aufregende und actionreiche Schlachten gegen verschiedene Fraktionen in einer brandneuen Story, in der du die Regeln schreibst. Rüste einzigartige Waffen aus und setze vernichtende und aufwertbare Spezialfähigkeiten auf einem neuen Abenteuer ein, um die Welt zu retten und einen schulfreien Tag zu genießen.Wir haben schneefrei, Alter!
SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Collectors Edition Second Print Run
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Due to overwhelming demand, SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! will receive a second print run of the Collectors Edition. We will also upgrade all Collectors Editions, including the original first print run, with the Season Pass as an additional piece of content. If you order the SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Collectors Edition you will receive: The standard boxed version of SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! and the Season Pass. + The Collectors Edition. Collectors Edition will include: - Grand Wizard Cartman: Snow Globe; - Grand Wizard Cartman: Talking Toilet Paper Holder; - Grand Wizard Cartman: Knit Beanie; - 6 Tarot Cards; - Original Soundtrack - SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Standard Edition Game (delivered with release)- SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Season Pass (delivered with release)From South Park Digital Studios, the studio that brought you South Park: The Stick of Truth, South Park: The Fractured but Whole, and South Park: Phone Destroyer comes the next chapter in the journey of the New Kid.Join Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, in three-dimensional glory, to celebrate the most magical day in any young child’s life - a snow day! A massive blizzard has thrown the town into chaos and, more importantly, canceled school. Play with up to three friends, use matchmaking, or solo the game with ally bots and battle through the snow-piled town of South Park. Engage in frenetic, action-packed combat against warring factions in an all-new story where you make the rules. Equip unique weapons and deploy devastating, upgradable special abilities on a new adventure to save the world and enjoy a day without school. It’s a snow day, dude!It’s an all-new 3D co-op game A blizzard of epic proportions has blanketed the town of South Park and it’s up to Cartman, Stan, Kenny, Kyle, and you, as the New Kid, to save the town Experience cooperative gameplay for the first time ever in a South Park game with up to three friends or ally bots - unleashing powerful, coordinated attacks on your foes Equip and upgrade devastating melee and ranged weapons. Deploy special abilities and powers that will bring hordes of enemies and epic bosses to their knees Use a wide range of iconic cosmetics and customize your New Kid with endless possible combinations from beanies to Cheesy Poof T-shirts to chin balls.